Ensuring best corporate governance with ethical and transparent policies
Our corporate governance system at SEIL Energy India Limited is built to support our operations, guarantee complete adherence to government, regulatory and legal requirements to ensure a world class governance to all our stakeholders.
A robust, diversified, and independent board guarantees that the company’s governance is implemented effectively. In addition to actively participating in the committees the company has established to guarantee effective governance, independent directors serve as advisors to the company.
At SEIL Energy India Limited, we have designed our corporate governance structure to best support our business, ensure full compliance with laws and regulations and meet the needs of our stakeholders. A strong independent and diverse Board ensures the deployment of effective governance in the Company. Independent directors act as a guide to the Company and play an active role in various committees set up by the Company to ensure good governance.
Corporate Governance
SEIL Energy India Limited remains resolute in its commitment to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and sound corporate governance practices to retain investor trust and preserve the interest of all existing as well as prospective stakeholders. Further, our corporate structure, business, operations, and disclosure practices are aligned to global practices. We are committed to conduct our business fairly, ethically in compliance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations and with the highest standards of business ethics. The objective of the Company is not only to meet the statutory requirements of the Code of Corporate Governance, but to develop such systems and follow such practices and procedures as would make the management completely transparent and accountable in its interaction with employees, shareholders, lending institutions and customers, thereby enhancing the stakeholders value and protecting the interest of stakeholders.
Managing risks with sound mitigating strategies
Comprehensive Risk Management framework and its effective
implementation reinforce the long-term sustainability of the
Company. Managing Risk is an integral part of our business activity,
and your Board of Directors and management are fully committed to
maintaining sound risk management systems for safeguarding the
Company and its stakeholders’ interests. The board and senior
management of the Company set the tone at the top for proactive and
transparent identification and management of risks. They encourage
both business managers and risk managers to bring out risks inherent
to the business activity.
The Board has overall responsibility for the governance of the
Company’s risk management. The board approves the company’s risk
policies, and oversees management in the design, implementation and
monitoring of risk management systems.
The Audit Committee (AC) assists the board in overseeing risk
management for the Company. AC reviews and endorses the Company’s
policies, guidelines, and systems to govern the process for
assessing and managing risk. AC also review riskrelated reports
submitted to it by management. These include updates on the
Company’s key risks, emerging threats, reports on compliance with
risk policies and any other risk-related issues as well as actions
taken to monitor and manage such risk exposure / issues. It also has
the authority to approve any deviation to risk management policies
or any breach of risk limits.
Business and functional managers are responsible for managing risks
in their area of operation/ function as the first line of defence.
Towards this end, business/functional managers are identified as
risk owner for the identified risks. Risk function acts as the
second line of defence. Auditors act as the third line of defence.
Code of Conduct and Ethics Training
All our employees and governance body members follow and conform to the Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics. Periodic training of employees is conducted for updating their awareness and compliance to the requirement of company Code of Conduct and Ethics.
Board Diversity
14% Women on Board
86% Non-Executive Directors
43% Independent Directors
The Company’s policy is to have appropriate mix of Executive and
Non-Executive/ Independent Directors including women Directors on
the Board. The number of Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) exceeds 50%
of the total number of Directors.
As on March 31, 2024, the Company’s Board of Directors consists of
seven members, with one Executive Director and six Non-Executive
Directors (NEDs). One NED is women.
The Board comprises of members who bring in the required skills,
competence and expertise that allow them to make effective
contribution to the Board and its committees. The Board members are
committed to ensuring that the Company complies with the highest
standards of corporate governance.
Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy
We exercise zero tolerance towards all forms of bribery and
corruption and are committed to conducting business with integrity
and with the highest ethical standards and adopted an antibribery
and corruption policy on the same.
The anti-bribery and corruption policy prohibits all forms of
bribery including the offering, promising, authorising, providing
or receiving anything of value to/from any customer, business
partner, vendor, government official or government entity or other
third party in order to induce or reward the improper benefit or
performance of an activity connected with a business.
Whistle-blowing Policy
Our Whistle-blowing policy provides a reliable avenue for persons
to report any wrongdoings including suspected violation of our
Code of Business Conduct or any applicable law or policy without
fear of reprisals and ensures that arrangements are in place to
facilitate independent investigation of the reported concern and
for appropriate follow-up actions to be taken.
The effective implementation of this Whistle-blow policy is
overseen by the Audit Committee (AC). The AC is assisted by the
Whistle Blow Committee when investigating a reported issue and
taking follow-up action.